
Day 55: Making waves

Waves called confluenceALTHOUGH I have become rather adept at spotting Brisbane’s treasures, a leisurely Sunday walk with a genuine tourist can still provoke the “get out the camera” moments.

My friend Suzie, up from Melbourne for a quick weekend visit, certainly had an eye for the picture. A seasoned world traveller and a keen amateur photographer, she was noticing all sorts of little things, such as the bollards topped like bells on a reception desk.

We also came across a large wave-like sculpture outside the Brisbane Magistrate’s Court at the corner of George and Turbot Streets.

I have since learnt it is called Confluence, is made of plate aluminium and concrete and was installed in 2004.

It was the first of a growing number of public works by young Brisbane sculptor Daniel Templeman, who graduated from the Queensland University of Technology in 1999.

Confluence is 65 metres long and “emerged from the notion that life inherently presents obstacles which are either seen as overwhelming or resolvable”. Apt for a court precinct.

The artist has described it as representative of a “notion associated with the judicial experience; that life presents obstacles which are either seen as overwhelming or resolvable. The work begins with a sense of calm, building up intensity towards the ‘obstacle’ before penetrating it and returning to the ‘resolved’ state.”

It’s a dramatic piece of work that demands attention – and is good for planking.

I missed the colourful tiled wall behind it, but Suzie didn’t.

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